When we think of the phrase "falling in love", we assume it is falling in love with another person. We assume that we find the perfect match where body, mind, and soul unite, and lead us to bliss.  Did we know that "falling in love" implies duality? If, to fall in love we need another person, this implies that we are incomplete, that we need another person to complete us. This duality is completely contrary to YOGA! Yoga is union of body, breath and mind. Not with another person's body, breath or mind, but with our own. When we unite with ourselves, we become one. This can only happen if we fall in love with ourselves. 

When we fall in love with ourselves, we are in bliss all the time. Our happiness is not dependent on external factors. We accept ourselves, our circumstances, our bodies, our minds, and our good and bad qualities as they are. We are at peace with ourselves. We are amused with ourselves. We entertain ourselves. 

How can yoga help? When we do yoga, we use the tools and techniques of this ancient system, to find peace with ourselves. Our lack of love for ourselves happens because we see ourselves as incomplete and faulty. Yoga helps us to see that our faults are human. That they are what they are. 

Each component of yoga helps us find ourselves. And in so doing, we are at peace, complete.

So let us fall in love with ourselves, through yoga! 

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