Traditional Yoga 101

At YogaAbhyaasaa we deeply care about keeping yoga traditions alive. If yoga has survived for thousands of years, it is because dedicated students and masters ensured that the traditions were passed down with shraddha - commitment. Our classes help you to understand the true meaning of yoga. Yoga is addictive because it takes us to that inner space where we experience bliss. So if you are looking for peace, relaxation, calm, then anchor yourself to Traditional Yoga.

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A Traditional Yoga Class

A Traditional Yoga class includes

  • Om chanting for bringing the class to a state of awareness
  • A Shat Kriya for cleansing
  • Pranayamas for bringing the mind to the present moment
  • Asanas for exercising, relaxing, and releasing the body
  • Yoga Nidra for rest and healing
  • Shanthi Mantra for world peace

When all of the above are done, then the body gives up tension, the mind relaxes, and the whole self unifies. This is the purpose of yoga. When we face the world with a unified mind and body, we function better. We handle our lives more skillfully. And that is what we all want.


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